Effective Water Utility Management Practices

Effective utility management practices are the foundation for building and sustaining the technical, managerial, and financial capacity of the drinking water, wastewater, and stormwater systems that make up the water sector.

Effectively managing all aspects of a system's operations and maintenance, regardless of size or location, will help ensure their long-term sustainability and keep the communities they serve strong, safe, and sustainable.

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Effectively Managed Utilities Primer

In August 2024, EPA and industry partners released a modernized version of the Effectively Managed Utilities Primer to reflect the changes in water utility management over the past several years. This effort was guided by a select group of utility leaders from around the country.

Today’s water sector utilities face a daunting array of tough challenges from rising costs and aging infrastructure. These challenges are becoming more complex, from workforce recruitment to extreme weather events to rapidly evolving technology, as well as building a strong workplace culture.

Recognizing this fact, EPA started working with a range of water associations and utility leaders from around the country to identify what practices helped them achieve success. This effort resulted in the approach called Effective Utility Management (EUM) based on a series of Attributes of Effectively Managed Utilities.

The heart of EUM is the EUM Primer, which allows utilities to chart a course for ensuring their operations are truly sustainable. EUM is now the most widely used water utility management framework in the country.

Effective Utility Management (EUM) Initiative

The effective utility management (EUM) initiative takes a broad look at all aspects of water sector system sustainability, from product quality to customer satisfaction. It is supported through the collaboration of EPA and professional associations across the water sector that support drinking water and wastewater utilities to promote EUM. The initiative is based on the EUM Primer and:

Building on the success of this effort, EPA and the U.S. Department of Agriculture’s (USDA) Rural Utilities Service (RUS) developed two tools for rural and small water and wastewater systems to help improve organization-wide performance. They focus on operations, infrastructure, customer satisfaction, community sustainability, natural re­source stewardship, and financial viability.

Tools to Implement Effective Utility Management

Medium and Larger Systems