Abstract Reasoning Tests

Abstract reasoning tests are also known as diagrammatic or inductive reasoning tests.

Prepare yourself for leading employers

What are abstract reasoning tests?

Abstract reasoning tests are used by employers up and down the country to find candidates for hire who are great problem solvers. Every test is different, but you’ll generally be required to quickly look at a pattern or series of shapes, and work out what the common thread that connects each one is. In doing so, you showcase your ability to think logically, solve problems quickly and keep a cool head under considerable time pressure. The test is similar in nature to an IQ test, and that’s why so many employers in the public sector use it as part of the hiring process - to get more insight into people they may want to offer jobs to at a later date.

Why do employers use abstract reasoning tests?

Employers use the test as it’s a really great indicator of people who are good problem solvers. Candidates generally only have a minute to answer each question, so those who succeed will show they are highly skilled at thinking logically under considerable time pressure. Whether you’re encountered a test like this before or not, we highly recommend practising abstract reasoning tests. The more you practice, the more familiar you become with the questions, and the quicker you get at answering them.

What is the abstract reasoning test format?

You can expect to see multiple patterns or shapes, which questions asking you to deduce what the pattern or logic connecting them is. The tests tend to be multiple choice, so you’ll be able to select the answer you think is correct from three potential options. Allow yourself a minute to answer each question (this is roughly how long you’ll normally have) as you want to ensure you get through all of the questions.

What skills does abstract reasoning test?

The abstract reasoning test is similar to the IQ test. The questions have been designed to be challenging as the purpose is to tease out how able you are to problem solve, to think logically and to keep calm under pressure. Don’t worry if you’re not familiar with the test, you can practice as many as you need to before the big day, and with Practice Aptitude Tests you’ll pick up plenty of helpful hints and tricks along the way.

Jump to a section on this page:

  1. What are abstract reasoning tests?
  2. Why do employers use abstract reasoning tests?
  3. What is the abstract reasoning test format?
  4. What skills does abstract reasoning test?
  5. Abstract Reasoning Tests Sample Questions
  6. Abstract Reasoning Tests Tips
  7. Abstract Reasoning Tests FAQs

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