This guide focuses on the codes of professional ethics and ethics opinions from the American Bar Association and state bar associations. This guide also identifies resources for researching management of law offices and corporate legal departments.
For the purpose of legal research, there are two kinds of ethical codes in the United States: model codes and state codes. Model Codes are the ethical rules for lawyers proposed by the American Bar Association. These rules do not have the effect of law, but versions of these rules have been adopted and made into law by the states and the District of Columbia, which makes discussions and analyses of the model rules relevant to many local ethics proceedings.
The current model codes are called the Model Rules of Professional Conduct, but previous codes have had different titles:
Promulgated in 1983 (KF305.A2 A4 1983) and adopted in some form by many states and the District of Columbia. An electronic version of the Model Rules is available on the ABA's website and on Lexis. Annotations and other information about the rules can be found in the sources listed below.
This annotated version contains the full text of the rules and provides extensive citations to cases, articles, and books discussing the issues arising under each rule.
This "legislative history" of the Model Rules published by the ABA traces the language of and debate about the Model Rules as they proceeded through the House of Delegates in 1982 and 1983; information is arranged by rule number.